Platform that ensures a winning combination and complete transparency.
Rapid integration, intelligent targeting, dynamic creatives, and real-time bid optimization are all combined to provide advertisers with the best possible ROI.
The programme allows for the safe and secure sharing of first-party data. This helps generate more income by providing proper attribution for each conversion, reducing ad waste, and increasing engagement and conversion from remarketing campaigns.
On mobile, you can track and target consumers based on their ever-changing positions in the consumer lifecycle. Real-time retargeting of app users based on in-app activity, purchase history, and other customised characteristics.
Our automatic bid optimization engine can help you get the most out of your remarketing budget. Our AI based product Recommendation technology optimises return on ad expenditure by determining the bid for each in real-time based on their probability to convert.
Advanced ad experiences like native, carousels, and video may motivate people to take action. By using extensive backend interactions with your app, you can optimise dynamically in real time for product availability, pricing, user context, and profile.