A Strategic Vision for Future to Engage your most valuable customers with AI
Rapid integration, intelligent targeting, dynamic creatives, and real-time bid optimization are all combined to provide advertisers with the best possible ROI.
The programme allows for the safe and secure sharing of first-party data. This helps generate more income by providing proper attribution for each conversion, reducing ad waste, and increasing engagement and conversion from remarketing campaigns.
On mobile, you can track and target consumers based on their ever-changing positions in the consumer lifecycle. Real-time retargeting of app users based on in-app activity, purchase history, and other customised characteristics.
Our automatic bid optimization engine can help you get the most out of your remarketing budget. Our AI based product Recommendation technology optimises return on ad expenditure by determining the bid for each in real-time based on their probability to convert.
Advanced ad experiences like native, carousels, and video may motivate people to take action. By using extensive backend interactions with your app, you can optimise dynamically in real time for product availability, pricing, user context, and profile.
Ad Exchange
Predict conversion% of 1M+ audience segments, Our RTB technology is not limited to CPC only we provide various options of CPA/ROAS based bidding as well which targets Desirable products for individual
Demographics, behavioral segmentation, geolocation, online activity, device type, and operating system are just some of the filters that may be used to target audiences. For market leaders like you, retention of your valuable existing customers is a key growth driver
ROAS further optimized for segmentation, App user’s massive behavior, Predict CVR & ROAS for 1M+ segments, Choose top segments based on future CVR & ROAS, Drive conversion and ROAS by re-engagement with valuable users
AdVolt Product recommendation Algorithms which uses Optimizing and Deep Learning to choose the best algorithm for each individual user, that eventualy generates better CVR .
Start your personalized customer messages now!, Personalized content dynamically created down to individual level, Highly engaging, non-disruptive native ads helps increase purchase intent, AdVolt’s unique algorithm determining the best products to recommend to individuals